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I really enjoyed writing this experiment because I found it to be a rewarding challenge to figure out how to piece my stories together. I enjoyed expanding on and dramatically transforming the structure of these stories to fit a very different genre in order to portray a very different message. It felt similar to making a puzzle, and I am looking forward to seeing the completed product eventually.


I think using questions as transitions was one of the most successful parts of my experiment, second only to the sun metaphor I used. I found it easy to think of the right questions to ask to guide my reader’s thought process and direct them as they read, giving them insight into my own feelings at the time of each experience. The questions became like a narrating voice that pushed my personal essay forward. I also liked using the metaphor of the sun representing one’s black identity and enjoyed realizing its complexities as I wrote, incorporating little details where I saw fit.


If I were to make this my final project, one thing that I would do is make sure the flow of this experiment made sense to outside readers. Because I lived through these experiences and I am familiar with the stories, I worry that at times I assumed my reader would be able to follow along, when they may not be. The essay structure was built in my head, but I need to make sure it is a structure understood by everyone.

This personal essay meant a lot to me because even though I have grown a lot from these experiences and have reflected a lot on them, I still find myself struggling at times to understand my black identity and fully embrace my dark skin. I found it helpful to look back at the pivotal moments in my life in order to make peace with the present.

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