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Yes, baby girl?
I can’t sleep. 
Oh baby, it’s okay. I can’t sleep either. 
Why are they making so much noise?
Well, it’s because the police killed another Black woman and people are angry.
Do you think they’ll win?
Who will win?
The people. The people outside. Do you think they will win against the police?
Well, it’s more complicated than that, sweetie. But they will try. 
Mama, I’m scared.
Don’t be, baby, they are fighting for you.
Okay. Can I sleep with you?
Of course, climb up.


Tell me the story again.
Which one?
The story of the Girl in the wind.
Ah, yes. It’s been awhile… Okay, come close, daughter. Look here, look into my hands.
Is that the Girl?
Yes. She is home; past, present, and future.
Where is She now, Mama?
Well, She hides in the wind.
And She still hides, Mama?
Yes, but is it really hiding anymore if we know where She is?


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